With sunken cheeks, a dirtied complexion devoid of its original color, wrists resembling branches, grimy fingernails, and a much smaller stature than her age suggests, the petite child truly embodies the forgotten royal princess of the Empire. Unable to suppress her hunger any longer, she crawls out of hiding in a small, dilapidated castle to search for food...
"I'm hungry," the little girl, clad in nothing but tattered clothing, whispers unknowingly, "Can I eat this...?"
Her hands, as small as twigs, tear a piece of vegetation from the ground, but ultimately she sets it down while shaking her head from side to side. The child hasn't had a proper meal in three days...
"Estrella..." the child reads the name, her words blending with the wind. It's a precious name she had earned after a long time.
"I'm sorry I'm late."
"...It's okay," the child replies before collapsing into Elias's chest.